Freelance, small business or startup – November networking

by | Oct 13, 2014 | Events | 0 comments

Whether you are Freelance, a small business or a startup, then our November networking event is just right for you.

Who attends
We get a big variety of individuals and businesses attending, including app developers, website developers, digital trainers, social media marketers, designers, and artists. It’s the perfect place for a bit of cross pollination of ideas and the creation of new exciting projects.

Fast becoming the place to solve your digital problem
We also receive a number of people who have a digital problem to a solve, be that in ecommerce, with a website or digital marketing. Jelly does attract a great deal of techies so it’s no surprise that people are coming along to solve their problems as you don’t often get a greater number of digital experts all in one room. So if you’re looking to commission a website or you need help with an app idea then come along.

Friendliest Networking Event
We think that Jelly is Liverpool’s friendliest networking event but at the same time there is no big push to mix, shake hands or even talk to people, you can simply sit with headphones on and work quietly as many people do.

So if you are working in the digital creative sector then this digital creative event is just for you and if your planning a meeting – then why not make it at Jelly we can even reserve a table for you.

Freelance, small business or startup
You can book now for next month’s Jelly Liverpool, the digital pop up office on the 6th November below using the Event registration for Jelly Liverpool.

Digital pop up office



Help reduce social isolation

Help reduce social isolation

We often hear from people that come along to our Freelancer events that they often work the whole week and don't see anyone else apart form their friends and family, they don't visit an office, they don't have face to face interactions with work...

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