In FACT Co-working is a Jelly Lab

by | Feb 4, 2016 | Events, News | 0 comments

Jelly Liverpool at FACTLab

Jelly Liverpool at FACTLab

Date: 11th February 2016
Time: 10-5pm
Venue: FACTLab, 1st Floor, Fact Liverpool, Wood Street, Liverpool 

Jelly, Liverpool’s co-working event is back next week at FACTLab where we have been resident for the past few months.

If you have never been before then let me explain what Jelly is all about.

Jelly is a co-working event, where people come together regardless of their area of expertise to co-work for the day. It’s a very relaxed event and we meet once a month normally on a Thursday at different venues in the city.

It’s even been described as a popup office!

The idea of Jelly Liverpool is to provide chairs and tables, wireless internet and coffee but more importantly interesting people to talk to, collaborate with, and bounce ideas off.

You bring a laptop (or whatever you need to get your work done) and a friendly disposition.

Who can come to Jelly?  Anyone!

We see a lot of developers, and internet types.  Some would class themselves as entrepreneurs or freelancers. Others work in an office most of the time, but work at Jelly for fresh ideas and a change of pace.  We’d love to encourage a lot more to attend and to spread the word wider in Liverpool to attract more from the creative & digital industry sector, but basically anyone who works remotely or independently is made very welcome No matter what you do or what you create, you’re welcome to come to Jelly and share your talent and learn from others.



We love it when Jelly gets really Techy! But you don’t have to have Kiel test your heart rate as you walk up the stairs, you can always use the lift.


It’s free to attend but please book below so we can keep an eye on attendance numbers.

Big thanks to Thiago for the use of his images

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