Welcome to Jelly Liverpool



Creative and digital freelancers


In obliging work space and cafes


Informal networking


Every Thursday

Providing a home for creative digital freelancers in Liverpool


Jelly Liverpool is a freelance meetup and pop up office, that travels from place to place welcoming visitors with free Coffee, free WiFi and a place to work.

The idea of Jelly Liverpool is to provide chairs and tables, wireless internet and coffee but more importantly interesting people to talk to, collaborate with, and bounce ideas off.

You bring a laptop (or whatever you need to get your work done) and a friendly disposition.

Newcomers made very welcome.

Who can come to Jelly?  


We see a lot of developers, and internet types.  Some would class themselves as entrepreneurs or freelancers. Others work in an office most of the time, but work at Jelly for fresh ideas and a change of pace.  We’d love to encourage a lot more to attend and to spread the word wider in Liverpool to attract more from the creative & digital industry sector, but basically anyone who works remotely or independently is made very welcome.

No matter what you do or what you create, you’re welcome to come to Jelly and share your talent and learn from others.

Still unsure if Jelly Liverpool is for you ? …. let’s see, do you …


  • work from home & get “cabin fever”?
  • search out coffee shops with wifi & power?
  • wish that “working for yourself” didn’t mean “working by yourself”?
  • are desperate for a change of scene?
  • want to expand your network & contacts?
  • seek out some inspiration & motivation?

Contact Jelly Liverpool

Contact Us

We’ve had a great deal of interest from businesses wishing to contract freelancers for projects, so we decided to make it easier for you to get in touch and we can ask for interest from our network.

Use the link on the right to do just that.

Keep it local: By contacting us and using a locally based expert you can contribute to growing the local economy. You know it makes sense.

It’s really important to keep up to date with new developments and by connecting with us we can help you do just that. You don’t have to attend Jelly to do this just sign up to our news, and we’ll let you know about opportunities in e-health and other news.


When we hear about development opportunities we publish them in our Opportunities section to spread the word and grow the sector.

Jelly Liverpool
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